Have you ever heard of the term Hazwoper? Like you, I have also never heard the term, before I went across an article yesterday. But the article was so interesting that I could not stop reading it till its end. I will share with you some parts.
Hazwoper is the short form of Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. This actually deals with five types of hazardous waste operations under OSHA .The employer who carries out hazardous operations, have to undergo such trainings and train their employees for their own interest that is to protect their own health and safety.
There are different types of training as numerated below.
Hazpower 40 hours training is done by the employees who deal with cleaning, storing and storage of hazardous elements. The topics deal with how to protect against the hazardous chemicals, elimination of the same and ascertaining the proper environment of the workers.
Hazpower 24 Hours training deals with the occasional site workers who goes for working in uncontrolled hazardous wastes. The content of the course gives an idea of the issues that may rise in the hazardous environment and how to get rid of them.
Hazpower 8 Hours training is the refreshers course that has to be undertaken by all the workers who work under the hazardous environment. The training enables every worker how to deal with hazardous situations in case of any mishap or accident and maintain healthy environment in the work area.
Some other terminologies of training are OSHA GHS Training and RCRA training.
For selecting such trainings the providers should be well chosen, primarily they should be accredited by OSHA which will save many training cost of the organisation.